26 September 2011

Edouard, no old hack, hacks at hackers!

On the website of the BBC, in a news item dated 23rd September 2011, we learn that the FBI has arrested a key member of LulzSec. 

"LulzSec" is the hackers' group behind a series of attacks on Sony Pictures Entertainment, the US Senate, the CIA and the British NHS, between May and July 2011.

Cody Kretsinger, the alleged hacker, was caught by the FBI during a morning raid. 

The FBI was behind ten other raids carried out in San Francisco, Montana, New Jersey and Minnesota to arrest members of Lulzsecf and of Anonymous, another hackers' group. 

A Tweet by Sabu (a founder of Lulzsec) explains that a lot of members are now in jail.

Hackers are able to attack every institution in the world, even the most powerful like the CIA. The consequences of this violation could be dreadful for many people. The security forces seem to be incapable of stopping them. The FBI arrested Mr Kretsinger several months after his crime...

What do YOU think of these hackers? Comments please!

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